Responding to an online survey, Colonial members generally said they were very pleased with the Orlando annual meeting. In fact, nearly 80% reported they thought the quality of the event was either “excellent” or “very good.”
An additional 80% found the Discovery Café roundtable discussions (see lead story) either “extremely” or “very engaging.”
Opinions were varied on co-locating the Colonial annual meeting with the plastics NPE Exhibition: 45.8% found it “somewhat worthwhile,” while 33.3% said “very worthwhile.” An even 8.3% chose “extremely worthwhile” and “not so worthwhile, while only 4.17% thought the coupling was “not at all worthwhile.”
In regard to where next year’s annual meeting should be held, Los Angeles was the most popular destination (41.67%), followed by a return to Orlando (33.3%) and Chicago (20.8%).
Co-locating again with a related industry convention appears to have met with approval. About 58% said they found “extremely” or “very interesting to have the Colonia meeting coincide with an event on 3D printing, slightly edging consumer electronics (57%) and custom packaging (52.4%).