All aspects of the astounding rebirth of vinyl records over the past decade will be among the scintillating topics discussed at a conference scheduled for May 15 by the MEDIA-TECH Association at the Mövenpick Hotel in Hamburg, Germany.
“Vinyl Manufacturing” consists an afternoon of sessions that examine the size of the market, technology developments, supply chain, and retail channels.
The Vinyl program will precede MEDIA-TECH’s regular conference on May 16 covering other physical formats including optical discs, such as UHD Blu-ray Disc.
Vinyl sales are projected to sell 40 million units in 2017, the seventh consecutive year of double-digit growth and with sales nearing the $1 billion benchmark. According to Deloitte, the vinyl format will soon account for 10 percent of the global music industry’s $15 billion in revenue.
“It’s time to take advantage of pressing plants’ collective power and best practices in easing the economics of manufacturing records,” says Hartwig, of MEDIA-TECH Association’s launch of the Vinyl Record Manufacturing Meeting.